Helpful Tips to Prepare for Your Online Class

Helpful Tips to Prepare for Your Online Class

Written by Pccic Admin

October 4, 2022

Being prepared for something that you do is very important to make sure you’re getting the results you want. The same thing goes for attending your online class. If you’ve been doing this for quite some time now, preparation can be smoothly done and easy for you. But if this is your first time taking online classes, you should make yourself ready for both fun and challenges that this platform of education may bring. With that, please check the following tips below to help you make your online classes exciting.

Do Your Research

One way to find the information you need is to do research. So if you’re new to distance learning or you’ve just recently enrolled in that particular online school, you have a couple of resources where you can get some answers to your questions.

Visit the Online School Website

A website is known for being the biggest platform for communication and its popularity is continuously growing every year. That’s why many schools are taking advantage of having a website as the window of their school community. Hence, if you want to know more about the online school you’re currently enrolled in, you can visit their official website before the first day of your online class starts. There you can find tons of information, such as school history, faculty members, school achievements, updates, and many more.

Get in Touch with Other Students

Besides checking the school’s website, you can also get in touch with other students. With the help of technological development, communication has become available and so convenient for everyone in different parts of the world. There are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many others. You can use any of these to make contact with other students in the online school you’re enrolled in and ask any questions you have. Whatever answers you will receive may help you get prepared for your online class.


Technicality Check

Since distance learning means that a teacher and students are having a class from different locations, it requires more effort on the technicalities. Here are some of those.

Make Sure the Internet is Reliable

Usually, the school will give a list of prerequisites to the students or parents upon enrollment before the class starts, and that includes the internet. Of course, you can’t take online classes if you don’t have access to reliable internet. So that’s something you need to check if it meets the internet speed requirement from the school. However, if the internet speed is so slow at the moment and the students and parents are looking for a solution for that, they can use their smartphone as a reinforcement in the meantime.

Set Up Your Distance Learning Space

Once the problem with the internet, if there’s any, gets solved, you can proceed with setting up your distance learning space. You need to have a particular spot in your house that you can permanently use for taking online classes. You can have it inside your bedroom, in the living room, and in other parts of the house of your liking. After that, you can go ahead and set up everything there, like your table, chair, computer set, and anything that you need.

Having a spot near the window works for others and it may also work for you. You can have the natural air coming in and out and let the sun rays give a natural illumination, too. It’s all up to you. Just keep in mind that the space for the online class you’ve chosen is peaceful, free of any possible distractions, and will make you feel comfortable. That’s very important.

Give Your Space Enough Light

Sun rays are good to light up the room, but, most of the time, it doesn’t give enough illumination to give you the best angle on the camera when the class is on. You need excellent lighting to make your videos clear and high-quality. Besides that, others may find it interesting to have colored lighting for their background. However, if you want to get a fresh and natural appearance on camera, please stick to white.

Test Your Headset, Microphone, Camera, and Computer

Another thing you need to do before your online class starts is to test your headset, microphone, camera, and computer set. Place the camera in a location where there’s plenty of light. Try the headset to make sure the speaker and microphone are working fine. Turn on the computer and see if the internet is good and everything functions well. Also, it will be the best idea to keep a backup of any of these in case they die, especially when the class is on. Hence, moving forward, make it a habit to ensure that your distance learning equipment is all set before your online class starts.

Get Familiar with the Online Tools

Sometimes, the tools used for distance learning will be introduced on the first day of your online class. But if there’s a way that you can explore them beforehand, that will be great. It will definitely help you prepare yourself for your class. The distance learning tools may include communication tools, learning management systems, online learning resources, and many others.

Check the Background

When you’re taking online classes, make sure that your background is good and that doesn’t distract anyone who sees you on camera. It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, you can have a plain white color there or choose your favorite one instead. You can also be creative by adding some interesting elements, such as paintings, bookshelves, flowers, and many others. Just keep in mind that what you’re doing with your background won’t distract the person you’re talking to the camera but rather help improve the discussion of the lesson even more.

Make Your Learning Materials Ready

After doing your research and the technicality check, you now have to make your learning materials ready. These materials vary and it depends on the subject you’re using them for. They can be PDF files, documents, spreadsheets, videos, audio, podcasts, eBooks, and a lot more. Once you get enrolled, you will usually get instructions on what materials will be used in class.

After collecting the materials you need, you have to organize them in the device you’re using, like a desktop computer, laptop, or smartphone. Sort them out in a way that you can easily retrieve them in the future. You can save all of the materials you used in the same subject or categorize them according to the date you utilized them in class. Hence, collecting your learning materials and organizing them on your device is something you need to do to make yourself prepared for your online class.

Moreover, as mentioned earlier, you can do your research to find the information you need or look for answers to your questions. But if you still have some questions that you can’t find the answer to anywhere on the website, you can make a list before the class starts and ask those questions during or at the end part of your class.

Prepare Yourself

When taking an online class, make sure that you look good on camera. You have to wear comfortable clothes, preferably with collars, and comfy pants. You can also wear classic and plain tops with not-so-loud colors. However, if you’re not sure of what to wear, you can ask the online school you’re enrolled in for guidelines when it comes to the dress code in taking online classes. It should be stipulated in their handbook.

Moreover, besides the dress code, you should also develop the habits of good appearance and proper grooming. Always remember that how you appear on the camera will leave a particular impression on the people you’re talking to online, especially when taking online classes. So you need to take a bath, eat your meal, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and do anything that’s part of your personal hygiene and grooming rituals.

One last thing, don’t be late. Please, enter your online classroom a few minutes early. Doing so will give you time for any possible technical issues or problems to be fixed before your class starts.


Taking online classes may give you some challenges to deal with. However, if you’ll spend enough time for preparation, everything will be fine and you’ll surely end up enjoying the perks and benefits of what distance learning can give. With all of the tips discussed above, you now have a few ways how to make a good start in making your online classes amazing and exciting.

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